
Bliv klogere på de paralympiske lege 2020
De paralympiske lege er verdens tredjestørste sportsbegivenhed – kun overgået af OL og VM i fodbold. Som det har været tilfældet siden 1988 afholdes OL og PL som ét langt event over 45 dage med start den 23. juli, hvor der er åbningsceremoni ved OL.
De Paralympiske Lege 2020 kommer til at indeholde 539 begivenheder fordelt på 22 sportsgrene, som afvikles på 21 lokationer spredt rundt i Tokyo mellem den 24. august og 5. september 2021.
Den danske trup til de Paralympiske Lege i Tokyo består af 25 atleter fordelt over otte sportsgrene.
Vi har samlet en række podcasts, artikler og film til dig, der gerne vil blive klogere på Paralympiadens historie, discipliner, deltagere og betydning
Dyk ned i den danske PL-historie
I selskab med bordtennislegenden Peter Rosenmeier, Paralympic Hall of Famer Connie Hansen og Parasport Danmarks næstformand Jens Boe Nielsen, kan du nu blive helt skarp på Danmarks deltagelse i de Paralympiske Lege.
Burde PL ligge før OL i kalenderen? Hvorfor er Danmark ikke længere dominerende i international parasport? Og hvor mange medaljer vinder de danske atleter i Tokyo? Det er blandt temaerne i denne første episode af Parasport Danmarks nye podcast-serie, der er produceret i anledning af forbundets 50 års-jubilæum i år.
A winning Mindset
This weekly series is the official podcast of the International Paralympic Committee. Each podcast will provide a platform for Para athletes to talk about their stories, sporting life and greatest achievement and enable them to showcase their personalities.
The Podcast series will also explore the progress and transformational impact made by the Paralympic Movement so far in making for a more inclusive world. We’ll understand how Para sport has helped to change attitudes, increase mobility and accessibility and create more opportunities for people with a disability whether to have an education, play sport, have access to healthcare or employment.
Olympic Channel Podcast
Lauren Steadman talks Paralympics, mental resilience, and para-triathlon
Lauren Steadman took a silver medal home from the Paralympics at Rio 2016. A less nervous and more mentally resilient athlete five years later, the British para-triathlete opens up about her big swimming mistake, learning from her starring roles on massive UK TV shows, and resetting when things go wrong.
Truly the GOAT – Paralympics history & future
Beginning next week is the world’s second-largest international sports competition: the Paralympic Games, an event with a surprisingly long and interesting history beginning with roots as physical rehabilitation/therapy for World War II veterans. With Dr. Dennis Frost author of: More Than Medals: A History of the Paralympics and Disability Sports in Postwar Japan.
Rising Phoenix
Rising Phoenix fortæller den ekstraordinære historie om de paralympiske lege. De paraolympiske lege er den tredje største sportsbegivenhed på planeten og har udløst en global bevægelse, der fortsætter med at ændre den måde, verden tænker på handicap, mangfoldighed og det menneskelige potentiale.
Kan ses på Netflix.
Disability Narratives in Sports Communication: Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games’ Best Practices and Implications
The Paralympic Games have become a relevant social and communication tool for the enhancement of global awareness and understanding of disability. The increasing visibility of this kind of global sports event, as well as the efforts of public authorities to make their host cities more accessible, evidence a relevant shift to new urban barrier‐free experiences and discourses concerning disability. This research is guided by an exploratory case study approach to assess the disability rep‐ resentation and narratives within the context of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games. The examination of some innovative communication strategies fostering the visibility of disability reveals a series of effective practices implemented in Japan. The focus on the personification of para‐athletes, the celebration of public events to experience first‐hand para‐sports disciplines, as well as the engagement of school children and young people in para‐sports initiatives are predominant in the communication efforts of Tokyo 2020 in the pre‐games period.
Kolotouchkina, O., Llorente-Barroso, C., García-Guardia, M., & Pavón, J. (2021). Disability Narratives in Sports Communication: Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games’ Best Practices and Implications. Media and Communication, 9(3), 101-111. doi:https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v9i3.4043
Artiklen er open acces og kan downloades her: https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/article/view/4043/4043
Disability, Sport, and Television: Media Visibility and Representation of Paralympic Games in News Programs
Abstract: With a few exceptions, media visibility and representation of people with disabilities is scarce. It is biased and anchored in stigma, distorting their image and hindering their full social participation. Paralympic sport is one of the social fields where the challenge of an objective representation of disability becomes particularly important due to the ever-increasing amount of television attention to the Paralympic Games as a global sports event and some persisting stereotypes in media representation of athletes with disabilities. Through an exploratory and interpretive research method, aimed at assessing media visibility of disability from the perspective of content production and its dissemination, the paper reviews the evolution of media representation of the Paralympic Games and athletes with disabilities during Sochi 2014, Rio 2016, and PyeongChang 2018 global sports events in the daily news programs from the National Spanish Broadcaster, RTVE. The effective inclusion of people with disabilities in the public sphere and a progressive removal of stereotypes and stigma depends to a great extent on the visibility and objective representation of disability in media.
Kolotouchkina, O.; Llorente-Barroso, C.; García-Guardia, M.L.; Pavón, J. Disability, Sport, and Television: Media Visibility and Representation of Paralympic Games in News Programs. Sustainability 2021, 13, 256. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/su13010256
Artiklen er open acces og kan downloades her: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/1/256
Idræt som redskab for inklusion
Læs også denne artikel hvor Thomas Skovgaard fra Bevica Fondens Forskernetværk, fortæller om hvordan idræt kan være et redskab til at inkludere flere elever i folkeskolen, som kan findes her.
Læs også Thomas Skovgaards anbefalinger til videre læsning
Særudgave af tidsskriftet MOV:E med fokus på inklusion af alle grundskolens elever i idrætstilbuddet uanset funktionsevner kan findes her.
ALLE TIL IDRÆT er en undervisningsvejledning, der giver svar på, hvordan man kan tilrettelægge inkluderende undervisning i idræt i folkeskolen. Bogen indeholder eksempler på aktiviteter til et helt skoleår fra 1.-9. klasse med tilpasninger til elever med forskellige funktionsnedsættelser kan findes her.
Glæd dig også til verdensmester og paralympiske mester Peter Rosenmeiers bog
Senere på året, udkommer den danske verdensmester og paralympiske mester Peter Rosenmeiers bog: Fri os fra medlidenhed. Fri os fra medlidenhed tager et skarpt og humoristisk opgør med samfundets misforståede hensyn og berøringsangst over for mennesker med fysiske handicap.
Bogen udkommer på Turbine og kan forudbestilles her https://turbine.dk/produkt/fri-os-fra-medlidenhed/
Vil du vide mere om de Paralympiske lege og det danske hold kan du læse mere på Parasport Danmarks hjemmeside
Anbefalinger til bøger, film, podcast og artikler om Paralymiske Lege 2020 og inkluderende idræt