The sociologist and inspiration from universal design
Imaan Hassan2024-08-20T13:15:12+00:00The sociologist and inspiration from universal design Leif Olsen is inspired by universal design in his research and work [...]
The sociologist and inspiration from universal design Leif Olsen is inspired by universal design in his research and work [...]
Playbook for Universal Design DTU Skylab har udarbejdet en Playbook for Universal Design med det formål at [...]
"Der er virkelig potentiale i at tænke universal design ind i fremtidens undervisning." Henrik Kasch fortæller i [...]
Universal design - introduktion til et designprincip, der udfordrer tanken om at være menneske - Download Pdf / Pdf [...]
Det digitale Danmark kan være en udfordring for mennesker med handicap Samfundet er blevet digitalt, men de digitale løsninger [...]
Kontor- eller kørestol? Ph.d.-studerende ved Aalborg Universitet, Cecilie Krogh, er i gang med at undersøge, hvorvidt arbejdsgivere fravælger mennesker, [...]
The concept of disability This video introduces the construction industry to how we might understand functional impairment [...]
How can we approach the body in universal design? This Lunch Bag Lecture unfold how we can [...]
Children may experience a feeling of guilt when faced with doubt and distrust from caseworkers [...]
Sustainable development The global sustainable development as we know it, articulated through 17 goals (SDGs), focus on [...]