SDGs and Universal Design
Imaan Hassan2023-10-31T08:57:09+00:00SDGs and Universal Design What is sustainability about? Sustainable development is about moving all of us in [...]
SDGs and Universal Design What is sustainability about? Sustainable development is about moving all of us in [...]
Nature and human health The fact that urban areas now home more than half of the world's [...]
Universal design in active living This video introduces the concept of active living for all, as a [...]
“Vi skaber et samfund, hvor folk kan bidrage og deltage på lige vilkår, uanset hvilke forudsætninger de har.” [...]
Design Solutions Must be Created for Humans as Sentient Beings Light affects people, but a new PhD project indicates [...]
The sociologist and inspiration from universal design Leif Olsen is inspired by universal design in his research and work [...]
Playbook for Universal Design DTU Skylab har udarbejdet en Playbook for Universal Design med det formål at [...]
"Der er virkelig potentiale i at tænke universal design ind i fremtidens undervisning." Henrik Kasch fortæller i [...]
Podcasten Bygtropolis : hvordan får vi gjort naturen tilgængelig for alle?
Det digitale Danmark kan være en udfordring for mennesker med handicap Samfundet er blevet digitalt, men de digitale løsninger [...]