Sports can be a tool for including more students
Imaan Hassan2024-08-20T13:12:44+00:00Sports can be a tool for including more students in Primary and lower secondary school If we do away [...]
Sports can be a tool for including more students in Primary and lower secondary school If we do away [...]
Playbook for Universal Design DTU Skylab har udarbejdet en Playbook for Universal Design med det formål at [...]
"Der er virkelig potentiale i at tænke universal design ind i fremtidens undervisning." Henrik Kasch fortæller i [...]
Kontor- eller kørestol? Ph.d.-studerende ved Aalborg Universitet, Cecilie Krogh, er i gang med at undersøge, hvorvidt arbejdsgivere fravælger mennesker, [...]
The concept of disability This video introduces the construction industry to how we might understand functional impairment [...]
How can we approach the body in universal design? This Lunch Bag Lecture unfold how we can [...]
Light, sight & life Working with UD within the built environment involves the interaction between humans and [...]
Universal Design The fact that we are different, and the fact that all people experience one or [...]
Sustainable accessibility A public library is a building, a place and a range of services. An underlying [...]
Universelt design og FN's verdensmål Jens Wandel, forperson for FN-forbundet og Camilla Ryhl, forskningsdirektør i Bevica Fonden, sætter sammen fokus på [...]