Recognition and Universal Design
Recognition is a social-philosophical concept that goes well hand in hand with the mindset of Universal Design. In this Bite, PhD student Leif Pedersen connects three different forms of recognition from the German philosopher Axel Honneth with potential UD design efforts.
Love, respect and solidarity. According to the German philosopher Axel Honneth, these three forms of mutual recognition between people and through the institutions of society are crucial for us in order to develop our identities and communities. Therefore, Honneth’s theory of recognition holds an ideal that there should be room for everyone in society and that everyone has something to contribute. This ideal shares core values with Universal Design and the efforts to create a good framework for care, secure rights (such as access to the public) and give people an opportunity to contribute in their own unique way in, for example, the labor market or social life.
Read more
Anderson, S. C. (2009). Hegel’s Theory of Recognition: From Oppression to Ethical Liberal Modernity. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Heidegren, C.-G. (2010). Anerkendelse: kort og godt. (1. udgave.). Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
Honneth, A. (2006). Kamp om anerkendelse: sociale konflikters moralske grammatik (1. udgave.). Kbh: Hans Reitzel.
Honneth, A. (2007). Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical theory. Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press.
Resource persons
Rasmus Willig:
Hanne Warming:
In respect of our presenters at Lunch Bag Lectures, the terms, language and use of concepts that the researchers find appropriate in their field of research are used according to their choice.
Leif Hemming Pedersen
Leif Hemming Pedersen is a PhD student at RUC at the Department of Communication and Arts
Member of the Bevica Foundation’s PhD network
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Read Leif’s research profile: Moderne medier kan fremme både inklusion, anerkendelse og stigmatisering
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