The concept of disability

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This video introduces the construction industry to how we might understand functional impairment and disability as something which can come to influence everybody’s life. This is done by explaining the ‘biopsychosocial model of disability’. The model shows that disability occurs as a consequence of the individual, social, medical, and built context, never from any one of these alone.


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Scientific articles

The disability model: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: ICF, page 9.

Boys, J. (2014). Doing disability differently: An alternative handbook on architecture, dis/ability and designing for everyday life. Routledge.

Hall, P., & Imrie, R. (1999). Architectural practices and disabling design in the built environment. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 26(3), 409–425.

Kajita, M. (2017). Re-Addressing the Social Dimension of Accessibility. In K. Lotz, D. Simpson, K. M. Raahauge, K. Vindum, M. Jerl Jensen, & J. Rosenberg Bendsen (Eds.), Forming welfare (1. edition, pp. 280–291). Danish Architectural Press.


Boys, J. (Ed.). (2017). Disability, space, architecture: A reader. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Hendren, S. (2020). What can a body do? How we meet the built world. Riverhead Books.

In respect of our presenters at Lunch Bag Lectures, the terms, language and use of concepts that the researchers find appropriate in their field of research are used according to their choice.


Marcus Tang Merit

Marcus Tang Merit is writing an industrial PhD in collaboration with the Danish Royal Academy and Gottlieb Paludan Architects

Member of the Bevica Foundation’s research network

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Read Marcus’ research profile: When universal design becomes a business


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