Possibilities and barriers for children and youth with disabilities participating in sports
Participating in leisure activities can pose unique challenges for individuals with disabilities. In this video, Sofie Morley Schulze explores the various possibilities and barriers that children and youth with disabilities encounter when they aspire to engage in parasports and recreational activities.
Sofie introduces a framework that sheds light on how individuals, their families, and the surrounding environment can either promote or hinder participation, offering insights into the factors influencing when and why participation takes place.
Both the physical environment and the pedagogical support systems play important roles in enabling participation. To help minimize barriers in both the physical and educational contexts, In the video, Sofie provides recommendations for creating an inclusive and supportive environment.
Read more
Morley, S. Sofie (2023). Hvad betyder faciliteter, undervisning og kommunal praksis for børn og unges deltagelse i parasport? FIIBL-ESSENS, nr. 4. Udgivet på fiibl.dk
Morley, S. Sofie (2023). At falde imellem to stole – forældres oplevelse af udfordringer med at støtte deres barn med cerebral parese i at leve et aktivt liv. Vidensnotat udgivet på fiibl.dk
Maar Andersen, Mie (2022). Deltagelse i fritidsaktiviteter for mennesker med handicap. Udgivet af Videnscenter om Handicap
In respect of our presenters at Lunch Bag Lectures, the terms, language and use of concepts that the researchers find appropriate in their field of research are used according to their choice.
Sofie Morley Schulze
Research assistant at the University of Southern Denmark.
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