Lunch Bag Lectures
Universal Design Hub udvikler i samarbejde med vores forskernetværk og tilknyttede samarbejdspartnere digitale forelæsninger kaldet Lunch Bag Lectures. Lunch Bag Lectures er en serie af korte gratis digitale oplæg som udfolder og diskuterer universal design, FN´s Verdensmål, Leave No One Behind og relaterede emner fra forskellige forskningsfaglige perspektiver.
Forelæsningerne kan bruges i din undervisning eller deles med kolleger eller partnere.
Accessibility in computer science education
Accessibility in computer science education This Lunch Bag Bite explores two studies that [...]
AI and Universal Design
AI and Universal Design This Lunch Bag Lecture delves into the potential of [...]
Possibilities and barriers for children and youth with disabilities participating in sports
Possibilities and barriers for children and youth with disabilities participating in sports Participating [...]
SDGs and Universal Design
SDGs and Universal Design What is sustainability about? Sustainable development is about moving [...]