Learn more: Being Human
This module provides a mix of book chapters, digital talks and lectures, scientific papers, and a movie on the general theme of Being Human.
Reference: Goodley, Dan (2016) Beginnings: Conceptualising disability in a global world. In: Disability studies: An interdisciplinary introduction. Sage Publications. Chapter 1.
Format: Text, ebook
Keywords: Disability Studies, Politics, Disabled People’s Movement, Perspectives on disability
Work load: 26 pages
Description: This book chapter examines a varied range of theories and perspectives on disability and engages with present discussions in the field of Disability Studies. Goodley’s text encourages readers using thought-provoking questions, exercises, and activities for students and researchers across disciplines.
Understanding Disability
Reference: Shakespeare, Thomas (2018) Understanding Disability. In: Disability: the basics. Routledge. Chapter 1.
Format: Text
Keywords: Understanding Disability, Disability Across Time and Place, Lived Experiences
Work load: 24 pages
Description: Disability: the basics is an introduction to disability as a multi-dimensional concept and explores the historical, social, environmental, economic, and legal factors which affect experiences of people living with impairments in modern-day society. It offers an understanding of the lived experiences of disabled people and underline continuing gaps and barriers in social responses to the challenge of disability.
Link: https://www.routledge.com/Disability-The-Basics/Shakespeare/p/book/9781138651395
Reference: Lid, Inger Marie (2012) Disability as a human condition discussed in a theological perspective. Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice. Vol. 3.
Format: Text
Keywords: Understanding Disability, Disability Across Time and Place, Lived Experiences, Law, Politics
Work load: 14 pages